Your Application

A free Docker workflow for your application
to make development a breeze.

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Docker can be a pain to use, but this course makes it simple!

You'll learn how to setup your application for easier development, testing, and CI.


A quick introduction on what we'll cover in this course.

Project Images

We'll build the Docker images we need to run our application.

Seemless Workflow

We work to create a workflow that makes developing (for you and co-workers!) in a Docker environment a breeze.

Docker in Dev and CI

Detail work! We make use of Docker's ability to extend docker-compose files, work on making this work in CI and make testing faster.

The Videos

What We'll Cover

We review what we'll cover in this portion of the Shipping Docker course.


The Workflow™

We finish our helper script and make it running our application in Docker completely pain-free.


Extending Docker Compose

We use the `docker-compose` ability to `extend` other compose files to each environment.


Review Time!

We review what we did to setup our application for development and continuous integration with Docker.
